How to Install Android On PC using Virtual Box
Posted by Nikhil Chawra 6/08/2014
You should also read this :-
First of all, you have to download the ISO from the website of the androidx86 no need to think anymore just google it. And the Other important Software to be downloaded and install on your Mac or Windows or even Linux PC is Virtual Box. It is Open Source and available for all major OS platforms. And hell yeah!! you can download any of the famous android OS versions you need from Android Cupcake to the latest Android Kitkat from the androidx86 website.
In order to run Android 4.0+ you need to enable Intel VT-X or AMD-V in your bios configuration.
Now you need to open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine. Click on New:
Fill the following fields:
- Name : Android 4.3 (or any name you like)
- Type : Linux
- Version : 2.6
Click Next to move to the next page of the wizard and set the Memory to 1GB,or at least, 512MB :
Click Next to all the other wizard’s pages leaving the default values. At the end of the wizard you’ll see something like this:
Now click on Settings and under Storage you need to select the iso file you downloaded before and click Ok.
You can now click on Start to boot the machine and after few seconds it will show the following screen. You need to selectInstallation and press Enter.
It’s now time to create a partition. Press Enter on Create/Modify partitions:
Now choose Primary, leave it the default size and press Enter.
We’ll make the partition bootable by pressing Enter when Bootable is selected. If the operation worked you’ll see under the Flags column the value Boot.
Using the Right Key move until Write and press Enter. It will ask to confirm and you’ll answer Yes. After it finish to write the partition you move to Quit using the Right Key and press Enter.
You have created the partition and now you can press Enter to use it to install Android.
You need to choose partition type ext3
It will ask you to confirm and you’ll reply Yes. It also will ask if you want to install GRUB and choose again Yes.
It will ask if you want to install /system directory as read/write and again Yes.
You finally installed Android 4.3 on your virtual machine. It’s time to run it!
The first time it will take some time to boot, but starting from the second time it’ll be faster.
Here we can finally see our Android 4.3 running. You’ll need to right click on the button below and select Disable Mouse Integration to see where you are tapping.
You can now follow the standard Android wizard and you’ll see Android 4.3 running on your PC.
Here some screenshots of Android 4.3 running:
Continue at your own risks. All indormation is given here on educational basis. Thank You
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